Sanjaya's stand out piece is an installation of a toko (small local
shop) selling souvenir T-shirts for "Visit Indonesia Year." Each
T-shirt has a tattered touristy "sunset painting," some so badly
worn one can barely distinguish the scene, cut off of its original
stretchers and stitched on the front with the name of one of Indonesia's
politically unstable "Hot Spots" (such as Aceh and East Timor) printed
in bold gold letters underneath. The banner over the warung literally
depicts the artist as "every man." Tisna is the Golkar supporter
wearing a golden T-shirt waving a handful of Rupiah, presumably
having just been paid for voting; and also the Golkar politician
wearing his smart Golkar Batik and waving a handful of rice still
on the stem as if to demonstrate how devoted he is to "the real
issues of the people"; he is also the soldier; and also the group
of sick and hungry farmers the soldier is attempting to keep away
from the Golkar politician and supporter.